introduction to
diagnosing career-learning needs

Game for Career helps you plan for a career.
It can be a big help if you feel stuck, and don’t know where to look for new ideas.
Even if you have ideas, it won’t hurt to use the game to check them through.

How does it work?

You react to 18 statements - it takes a few minutes. Your reactions become the basis for further planning.

The game can be used:

> by you - working with an adviser or counsellor;
> by careers workers - considering their students’ or clients’ needs.

At the end, the game gives you an account of further help you can seek.

Remember, it is a game, it can only point to possibilities.
If you find the results puzzling or troublesome, talk about it
with an adviser or counsellor, or with someone else who knows you and cares about you.


start the game


the thinking
behind the game

Conceived and written by Bill Law.
Programmed by Chris Bosley

Text: © The Career-learning Network 2003.
Program: © Bosley Associates 2003
this edition (minor revisions) uploaded 1/07/04

how you can