The career-learning café
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café material
careers work

uploaded 5th October


what you need to know about using café material

café material supports helpers in enabling learning-for-living - and is applicable to every aspect of working life
the café is run free of business and government sponsorship - and independently of sectional interests


use it in the public-service

all career-learning café material is copyright, but is available free of charge to...

education professionals working in state schools and colleges
volunteer educators and mentors
freelance education consultants and advisers
social-enterprise organisations and
charities supporting public-sector helping agencies

the conditions are what apply to all responsible use...

> career-learning café sources are acknowledged



use it in the private-sector

café material is also available to organisations setting up career-management learning events in...

private-sector businesses
commercial firms
fee-charging career coaches and
companies operating for profit

the usual professional courtesies apply...

>      career-learning café sources are acknowledged

where the material is trade-marked a payment may be due 

the user should contact Bill Law who asks, by return, for information about location, purposes and numbers - an agreed fee is invoiced, to be paid by direct transfer to the café’s trading account



become a preferred user

an enhanced service is available to education establishments and small firms in all sectors, where they can demonstrate that the uses of café material are...

reliable and effective for enabling career management
in a way which is appropriate to supporting welfare at work

the usual professional courtesies apply



your are in....

the career-learning café > the information > what you need to know

get this user information as a pdf

go to café home page



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