Career-learning home page
Underpinning - basic ideas for the work
Memory - key articles archive Moving on

getting what you need from the Café - pdf

nine pages on what hihohiho is about - who it is for - finding what you need - using what you find - and answers to Café FAQs
getting what you need from the Café - PowerPoint
a six-screen presentation on career learning and how the Café can help your colleagues, clients and students work with its challenges

getting what you need from the Café - interactive

on-line menu of six basic questions about the Café with interactive examples of how the Café can help you
background information
information about Bill, Chris Bosley and Sara Bosley - and about the rationale, design and development of the Café  
what else is Bill up to?
All of the Café's work is linked to activity in the UK and abroad. You'll find the main elements of that extended work here - some can usefully be extended into your own sphere.