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uses of narrative
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uploaded 22nd October 2010

working-with-researchers stockroom
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applying three-scene storyboarding to working with researchers

three-scene storyboarding is a narrative technique
for finding out 'what's going on?'
and working out 'what can I do about it?'

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handout - pdf
vitae - key concepts

This handout, which includes links to important background material, introduces the Vitae project. The project works with iag and counselling people whose clients are researchers in higher education and research institutes. It shows how client experience can be usefully portrayed in narrative terms. It also shows how clients can use the same narrative methods to set down accounts of their own experience.

This handout pays particular attention to the the way in which ways of understanding client experience is enhanced by setting that experience in a sequence. It sets out a diverse range of experience in narrative form. It points to the the levels at which reflection is enabled and the stages by which the resulting sequence can be laid out. It pays particular attention to the importance of turning points in those experiences. And it also shows ways in which clients can use what they learn, by transforming it into an action plan which they rehearse and refine for themselves.

The handout is useful to iag and counselling professionals, to people who provide their academic support and professional training, and to consultancy and support people - in all aspects of learning for personal-and-social development.



you can - as and when you need them - call on these various sources for expanding ideas for action


>            storyboarding - blank format

>            L4L storyboarding - presentation

>           practice and theory - journal article


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although available free-of-charge to professional users
all three-scene storyboarding material
is wholly owned by
Dr Bill Law
at the Career-learning Café

for a licence to re-publish contact bill



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