
The statements have been sorted into six groups represented by the 3-letter codes below and your score calculated for each group.

Your lowest scores on the right indicates the issues that you might already feel OK about. You may not need any help with these.

Your highest scores on the left indicate issues that are worth you thinking more about as these point to ways of improving the chances of a good career. You may need some help with these issues.

Highest score
do you need help here?
Lowest score
are you OK here?


= indicates groups with equal scores


Click on any code for an explanation of what it means and the type of help that could be useful for you.

When you have got all the information you need from these pages, you can click on 'Exit Game' to go back to the introduction. You can then click 'the thinking' to read more on the rationale behind the game.
You'll also find how you can help us improve the game.

We hope it is has proved useful to you and wish you well with your future planning.