Game for Career gives the highest scores to the areas of greatest need. And so, a higher score here points to how it would help you to learn more about...

finding and managing information.

Your score for 'Information' is .

A lower score here suggests that you have this area more under control. It might be better for you, then, to look in other areas for ideas about how most to develop your planning.

If you have a higher score here read on.

The information you need is about what is going on in your life, as well as in the working world.

Making progress here means being able to say...

  • what work interests you;
  • what you are able to do;
  • how you know what kind of work would be best for you.

If you don’t say these things for yourself, other people may try to say them for you!

For more help with this, look for at least one of the following...

  • a good careers library;
  • expert advisers, who can help people sift through the information;
  • assessments, checklists and computer programs which can suggest work opportunities;
  • careers education which helps you to find, apply and land a job or other opportunity;
  • recording or profiling which help you to set down what qualifies and equips you for future work.



You can keep this information - so that you can talk about it with your family, your careers adviser or a teacher, or somebody else who knows you well - and wants the best for you.


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